Rivera Clan

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:13,14 (NIV)

Monday, July 06, 2009

We're Moving!

We are headed back to Wichita, Kansas! Rick accepted a teaching job a couple of weeks ago and life has been super busy ever since. On top of having a newborn, Rick has finished our basement (beautifully done, I might add), we have gotten the house in picture perfect shape for the listing which occurred on July 1st and we hope to sell soon! We have had a few interested parties already and waiting for a great offer. Please add a quick sell of our house to your prayer list. We will be renting a small house from a friend in Wichita until we sell our house here and find one there.

Not sure why when we have a newborn, we have to go through so many other changes but really felt like God was directing our steps. We really hope to go and stay for a long time in one place-this moving can sure take a toll on a person.

Please pray for Juliana to adjust well. She has had to deal with a lot of change and is definitely feeling it. She gets up more in the night than Lukas. We're pretty tired and at the end of ourselves. Which is a hard place to be but a good place to be. The Lord directs our steps and we're confident we are moving on as He leads. That is a good feeling despite all the craziness involved.

We plan on moving August 1st-will update once we get sort of settled if not sooner:)

Lukas-a little over a month old

Lukas was 5 weeks old last Thursday. He is a great baby! Sleeps and eats well. The only time he is fussy and it gets challenging is when he has a few gas issues. He is pretty laidback. His eyes are a deep, dark blue so far. He had his first hair trim around the ears and neck last week!

Swimming at the Martins

Rick and Juliana are swimming on Father's Day which also happened to be Rick's 37th birthday!!

Making Salsa